Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To friendship, and beyond.

About the time I had a microphone in my hand, I knew the point of no return had been crossed. Sadly, I have no recollection as to what songs lyrics I was forgetting. But what I do remember, is that I wasn't alone. Together, we made fools of ourselves, a forgotten memory, that won't be forgotten; a moment shared among three friends.

Birthday parties, Midnight omeletes, last second trips to tempt fates luck, and waking up more tired than when you went to sleep; these are the weekends of friends, old and new.

Times like those are the fabric in the quilts that cover our lives. Those memories, with those friends, aren't what defines us; they enrich our soles. I know they have mine.

So, to all of my friends, I say thank you. Without you, my life wouldn't be the same. What you offer is much more than friendship. You offer love, and advice, your home, and a couch when it's too late, your compassion, and your heart. You are the first ones to help peel away the pain, and stay until it's healed.

Everyone, has their own definition of what friendship means to them. To me, for what you all offer, that doesn't define friendship; it defines family.

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