Monday, November 30, 2009

Guns in Heaven

Before 8:30 am, it was an ideal Sunday. The sun was trying to poke through perpetual gray sky, the rains of the last two weeks catching its breath; it was almost nice. Almost.

With the echoes of four fatal, senseless blasts, Sunday turned into anything but nice. By 8:31 am, four police officers lay dead in a coffee shop. By 8:32 am, a city, a region, our state, and friends from around the Country watched in horror, unable to comprehend, unaware of tears streaming down our faces, looking for answers where there were none. We mourn, continue that today, and will tomorrow, for a loss to our community, our sense of security, and the humanity for the families of heroes lost. We rage at the system, the hate, and the evil that lurks in the dark. We pray to God. We cry, because it hurts. We seek justice befitting a monster.

Unfortunately, none of it can bring back the fallen four of yesterday, or the loss from three weeks ago in Seattle. Their families forever lost without an anchor.

We can love. We can honor. We can donate. We may never know why it happened, certainly won't understand it, or ever forgive it, but, we can do those 3 things.

The families should know their sacrifice is not forgotten, appreciated, and forever indebted to us all. Though they may have perished, let their memory live within each of us. Let our hearts incorporate their families as ours. Let them know as they protect us from above, love lives on.

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