Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Shamrock Thanksgiving

So here we are, the eve of yet another Thanksgiving. Since this is my blog, and you were curious enough to stop by, here is what I am thankful for in 2009:

I am thankful to my children, Josh, Peyton, and Kenzie, for teaching me far more than I teach you. You are my backbone, and I love you.

I am thankful to have a wonderfully, dysfunctional family. Mom and Dad, thanks for hooking up that night in ’69, and everything since. Stacy, I love you….truce. To the Texas clan (Uncle Rod, Aunt Yo, Tavia, Gary, Rod and Amy)- I love you, miss you, and GO TECH! GUNS UP! PaPa and Gran Gran, I am thankful for your love and support, though sometimes I probably don’t deserve it.

Grandma Katie and Kimbers, I miss you. I am thankful that I still cry thinking of you.

I am thankful for Ed, my brother- The best friend anyone could ask for. And, Yes ladies, he is single.

Fife Posse- You guys rock! I love you all. Thank you for everything, I couldn’t have made it through these months without you.

Becky, thank you for allowing me to come over daily to be with the kids. Thank you for Peyton and Mackenzie, and being a good Mother to them.

To all my AHS and Facebook family, you have filled me with hope, laughter, inspiration, and Applebee’s quesadillas…..thank you. I love you guys.

Sonja, thanks for kicking my ass to the curb…I needed it. Thank you for sharing your family with me.

Thank you George Strait and Dierks Bentley for poetry I actually get.

I am thankful for pepperoni sticks, Coke Zero, Copenhagen, Wrangler’s big enough to fit my ass, and chorizo nachos.

Thank you God, for giving me talents. I will try to put them to better use.

I am thankful to Muscular Dystrophy Association, Dr. Greg Carter and Phyllis….having useable legs because of your compassion and care is pretty damn cool. Oh, and the Green Card prescription works too! Now, if I wasn’t so chicken to use it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope it finds you around the ones you love, and ones that love you back.

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